Hawkes Bay Primary
Schools Cross Country
has been selected to participate in the Hawkes Bay Primary Schools Cross
Venue: Hawke’s Bay Regional Sports Park Dates: Tuesday, 22nd
September 2015
Postponement Date: Wednesday, 23rd September 2015
Times:Leave school
9.10am Race Briefing: 9.30am in the Grandstand First Race: 9.45am.
We anticipate all events will be completed by 12.30
Event Order: (Please note we are not able to give exact
times for each event start, as this will be dependent on numbers entered)
1. Y3 Girls 1500m
2. Y3 Boys 1500m
3. Y4 Girls 1500m
4. Y4 Boys 1500m
5. Y5 Girls 2000m
6. Y5 Boys 2000m
7. Y6 Girls 2000m
8. Y6 Boys 2000m
9. Junior Prize giving
Please complete the permission slip below and return to
Mrs Cornelius as soon as possible.
I give
________________________ permission to compete in the Hawkes Bay Primary
Schools Cross Country on Tuesday 2nd September.
I am able/unable to help
with transport.
I have ____ seatbelts.