Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Cricket Draw- Saturday 28th March
Clive A vs St Mary’s @ Frimley Park 1 @ 8.45am
Clive B vs Mayfair @Mayfair School @ 9am
Clive C vs Lucknow @ Guthrie Park 2 @ 9am
This is the last game of the season.
Thank you to all the coaches for your time and effort.
The cricket competition starts again in Term Four.

Please return your sports uniform to Mrs Cornelius in a named plastic bag by Thursday.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Clive School Netball Teams

Year 3

Coach:  Mrs Leitch

Year 4

Coach:  Sam (Sydney’s Mum)

Year 5/6

Te Oriwia

Coach:  Rose (Vivi’s Mum) and Rachel (Ava’s Mum)
Miniball Draw – Thursday 26th March

3.30pm Clive Blue vs Reiginier
3.30pm Clive Purple vs Tamatea

4pm Clive Red vs Tamatea
4pm Clive Green vs AMS
4pm Clive Orange vs Tamatea

4.30pm Clive Gold vs AMS
5pm Clive Yellow vs Swish  (2 games for Clive Yellow)
5.30pm Clive Yellow vs Bledisloe

This is the last game for the season.
We will enter teams again in the Term 4 competition.
Thank you to all the coaches for your time and support.

Uniforms- please wash your uniform and return it to Mrs Cornelius in a named plastic bag by the end of the term. 
Clive School Hockey

Unfortunately we have not had enough children interested in playing Saturday morning hockey therefore we will not be entering a team this season.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Haumoana Football Club

Hi All

Its that time of year again where we are getting ready to kick off the season

We will be holding our Registration Day on Sunday 8th of March from 1-3pm at Haumoana Memorial Park from 1-3pm

Alternatively, you can register online at www.haumoanafc.sportingpulse.net  scroll down and click on the 2015 Registration and fill out the form, (please note if you are using this option for the first time click -I am registering to this club for the first time. If you have any problems please let me know.

We are looking for a number of coaches and managers for our teams this season, if you are able to help out in any way, please get in contact with me.  Central Football are running a large number of coaching courses this season for a range of coaching levels.  As a small club, we rely solely on the help of Parents/caregivers/extended family etc to fill these positions, so without your help we may not be able to run teams in certain grades - I look forward to hearing from any interested parties ðŸ˜Š


8th March - Junior Registration Day
1st April - 1st Training Session 4pm (no Training over School Holidays)
8th April - Registrations close
22nd April - Training resumes
2nd May - Season Commences

5th and 6th Grades - $50
7th and 8th Grades - $60
9th, 10th and 11th Grades - $70

Grading for teams are determined by the age the child will be on the 31st December 2015.  So if a child turns 8 in November then they will be playing in 8th Grade, if a child turns 7 in March then they will be in the 7th Grade for that season.

If 2 children or more from the same family are members of the club, the oldest child pays full price, every child after that get a $5 discount

If you are registering online, you will receive and email after you have registered with online banking details.

Cash or Cheque - Made Payable to the Haumoana Football Club Inc
Online Banking to the following account - 39 9010 0177425 00, please use childs name in the reference field.

Please feel free to pass on this email to anyone you feel may be interested in playing football for Haumoana this season

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me on the following numbers

Kind regards

Candace McDonald
Club Secretary
Haumoana Football Club Inc
06 875 1391
027 424 4711

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Clive School Hockey – Term 2 and 3

When:  Saturday mornings
Dates:  May 9th – 8th August
Venue:  Park Island, Napier
Cost:  $20 a player

_______________ has indicated that they are keen to play hockey for Clive School.
Please complete the permission slip and return to school by
TUESDAY 17th MARCH so that teams can be entered on time.

Sandra Cornelius

Players name: ________________
Year level: _______________
I give _____________ permission to play Saturday morning hockey for Clive School.
I am able / unable to help coach a team.

Signed __________________
Hawkes Bay Cricket Primary Schools Festival
When:  Thursday 26th March
Time: Leave: 9am  Start: 9.30am  Leave: 1.30pm
Venue:  Nelson Park, Napier
Team:  Clive School A (hardball team)
Please return the permission slip below.
Sandra Cornelius

I give ______________ permission to attend the HB Cricket Festival on Thursday 26th March.

I am able / unable to provide transport to and from Nelson Park.
Cricket Draw – Saturday 21st March

Clive A vs Frimley @ Frimely Park 1 @ 8.45am

Clive B vs Mahora @ Mahora School @ 9am

Clive C  BYE

Monday, 16 March 2015

Miniball Draw – Thursday 19th March

3.30pm - Clive Green vs Taradale
3.30pm - Clive Purple vs Reignier
4pm -  Clive Red vs Porritt
4pm -  Clive Orange vs Porritt
4.30pm -  Clive Blue vs Tamatea
5pm -  Clive Gold vs Porritt

5.30pm - Clive Yellow vs Reigner

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Cricket Draw – Saturday 14th March

Clive A vs Hereworth @ Hereworth 5 @ 8.45am

Clive B vs Te Mata @ Guthrie Park 2 @ 9am

Clive C vs Hereworth @ Hereworth 7 @ 9am

Monday, 9 March 2015

Year 5 and 6 Netball – Term 2 and 3

________________ has indicated that they are keen to play netball for Clive School.
When: THURSDAY afternoons
Dates: 30th April – 20th August
Cost : $20 per child
Transport:  It will be up to parents to transport their child to and from the venue

Please complete the permission slip below and return to school by TUESDAY 17th March so that teams can be entered on time.

Child’s full name:______________________
DOB: _____________________
Year level:____________________
I give permission for __________________ to be part of a Clive School netball team in Term 2.
I am able / unable to coach / manage a team.

Signed _____________________

Senior Swimming Results

8 year Boys
1st = Archer   2nd = Teina   3rd= Noah

8 Year Girls
1st = Zyggy  2nd = Jerzy   3rd = Georgia

9 Year Boys
1st = Ricco   2nd = Hugh   3rd = Calvin

9 Year Girls
1st = Sophie  2nd = Ava  3rd = Vivi

10 Year Boys
1st = Bayedan and Ruby   3rd = Tali

10 Year Girls
1st = Zoe   2nd = Lalani  3rd = Danielle

Monday, 2 March 2015

Cricket Draw – Saturday 7th March
Clive A vs Havelock Nth @ Havelock Nth Primary @ 8.45am
Clive B vs Te Mata @ Guthrie Park 5 @ 9am

Clive C vs Hereworth @ Hereworth 8

Coastal Cluster Cricket

Special Olympics

Julia and Tyrone competed in the Special Olympics at the Hastings Sports Park.
They did Clive School proud!!!!!!